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Lighter Side of Leadership

The six tips below will ensure that you wipe any hint of a genuine smile off your face.

Okay, lite Friday again. Here is a video of team building gone bad in a trust activity. Have you ever had a bad team building experience either as a participant or facilitator?

Okay, here are some funny, but sad photos of lopsided teamwork. Maybe you wouldn’t even call it teamwork. Maybe there is a “Man of the Year” award to be handed out here. Amazing!

Here is a video on teamwork (or lack of) that I really enjoyed. Pay particular attention to the two guys on both ends of the stretcher. Watch them collaborate and then drop this poor guy.

Teamwork going really bad.

I think Friday’s are a good day to post something a little more lite, but still related to teamwork and leadership in some sort of odd way. So here is a video that you are sure to get a chuckle or two out of. Do your team projects mirror the work of this team of guys sometimes? Check out the video.