I love “feel good” types of ice breaker activities. Here is a wonderful ice breaker activity for new teams and/or small or large training classes. Use this ice breaker activity to start your meeting or training. Once participants know each other better end it with another one of my other favorite ice breaker/team builder activities – “Say Something Positive!”
Team Building Activities
Here is one of my favorite all time team builders. I have personally facilitated this activity many times and it has never failed to create what I intended it to create (see purpose below). Let us know how it goes.
Good for both new and experienced teams when there is a need for team members to demonstrate more empathy and tolerance for others opinions and ideas. Good to use when a team is starting a brainstorming session, strategic planning or a series of meetings.
Building trust on remote teams can be a challenge. On the remote teams that I have led, including the team I am currently leading, I use some of the remote team building activities I am going share with you in the next couple of months on a very regular basis.
A leader, for example, decides that his or her team needs to be more cohesive. It is agreed upon that the team will do some team building. So they hire a “team building expert” to come in and do some activities. The problem isn’t necessarily the activities, but the lack of planning and understanding what the teams needs are. Here are three important things to consider when doing team building activities.