3 Great Videos to Share as Part of a Teamwork Activity. Teamwork in the workplace is manifested in many different ways. Sometimes when your teams are working together they are productive, other times not so productive. The following three teamwork videos can be shared to highlight the benefits of teams working together. But they also […] Read more
Teamwork Video
Teamwork at it’s worse… Normally you don’t want to see team’s fail, but I think you will agree that in the following video it is a really good thing. Watch this dramatic moment when a young elephant fights off this vicious team of 14 hungry lions. This video was shot by tourists in the South […] Read more
Team diversity can’t be overlooked as a big advantage. If you are someone who likes working on teams of people just like you, that may be a big mistake. Research and studies show that team diversity is a good thing. For example, a study talked about on NPR showed that research papers written by multicultural teams […] Read more
Isn’t it great to be human! I love the positive about human nature. For the most part we are all loving and kind beings. I love this video clip I saw the other day, perhaps you have seen it since it has had well over one million views on YouTube. But this was my first time. “The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” ~Margaret Carty
I love this teamwork video I just saw on YouTube. It’s amazing what a video can do to demonstrate a concept. This is entertaining. Let me know what you think.