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Time Management for Leaders

Powerful Time Management Story

I love the story I heard once of a seasoned and wise teacher who wanted to change the lives of his young and eager class of students.

eMail Etiquette

Managers always seem to be the best at poor email etiquette so I thought it was time I Email write something about how to ensure that they continue to confuse, frustrate and anger those they email to.

Now, I am sure some of you are saying, wait a minute! Are you telling me to avoid conflict, close my door and slow down on making important decisions?

Try this some time. When in your email in-box next time, press the shift key and highlight every email by clicking on the first and then the last email with your mouse. Then press the delete key. It’s magic! Everyone of them disappear. You now have more hours to do other things.

When people tried to juggle messages through e-mail and/or chat with work they loss the same amount of IQ points as if they had missed an entire nights sleep. And more than double the four points loss through smoking marijuana!