It doesn’t hurt…
It doesn’t take much time…
Actually it is quite simple…
And it is always the right thing to do.
What am I talking about?
I am talking about being kind.
Gayle Lasalle wrote a post several years ago on my blog titled, “Be a Grateful Leader—Thank You and You’re Welcome Goes a Long Ways!” She tells a simple, but powerful story on kindness with her 3-year-old granddaughter.
I’ve found it amazing how a simple thank you,” can go a long way. So can a heartfelt “you’re welcome!”
A few years ago, I was having lunch with my 3-year-old granddaughter and her mom. She has been taught to say thank you when someone does something for you. She said, “thank you” to the waiter who simply walked away. She looked at her mom and said, “He didn’t say you’re welcome”. If a 3-year-old notices, you can be sure others do as well.
Simple and easy enough that a 3-year-old gets it!
I want to encourage leaders everywhere to put kindness at the center of everything you do. There are great benefits to being kind. On the blog inCourage Leading, blogger Jone Bosworth cites research from other institutions and universities that demonstrate that being a kind leader pays off.
Here are several of the researched and personal benefits you can receive by being a kind leader:
– You may improve the hearts of those you lead. Yes, you heard that right, your followers may actually have better heart health!
– You are more effective because you are trusted more by those you lead.
– You strengthen the commitment and loyalty of those you lead.
– You inspire your followers to go out of their way to be helpful and friendly to other employees.
Even just a little bit of kindness can lighten a heavy heart. Aung San Suu Kyi, also quoted on Bosworth’s blog said, “Even the briefest touch of kindness can lighten a heavy heart. Kindness can change the lives of people.” So try a little kindness. It matters.
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