Do you involve your team in diagnosing and solving performance problems?
Have you ever had a performance problem you thought you fixed that didn’t get fixed? Many leaders fix problems by yelling a little, demanding that the problem be fixed, relying on their own judgment time and time again and in some cases just avoiding it all together.
Diagnosing performance problems can be difficult for just one person. Next time ask your team how they would fix it. There is power in councils.
Bring your team together and ask them what they think should be done. Diagnose, brainstorm, write each idea on a flip chart or whiteboard, and then discuss the best solution – together.
What are the benefits of this approach?
1. You get better ideas. You will find that the collective experience of your team is so much more powerful than the experience of one.
2. You get better buy-in. When people come up with the solutions to a performance problem, they are more passionate about fixing them. Studies have shown that employees who are included in decision-making are happier.
3. You will build greater trust. Most followers don’t want a leader who believes he or she has the answers to everything. Being open about the fact that you don’t know everything and respecting the opinions and experiences of others is a sure way to develop trust quickly. Acting like you know everything and failing, is a sure way to erode trust.
What experiences have you had with teams you have managed in diagnosing and solving performance problems?
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