Ever have one of those bad annual employee performance evaluations? This hilarious video might be a bit out there in regards to a reaction in a performance evaluation, but maybe not too far 🙂
Year end performance reviews can be tough. They are often times filled with uncertainty for both the manager and employee. I have heard some leaders say it is their least favorite time of the year.
To prevent the horrible job evaluation reaction in the video below, here are a few things to remember next time you do an annual employee performance review.
1. Don’t wait until the end of the year. One sure way to get a negative, confused and angry reaction in your next year-end job assessment is to wait until the review to share what you think the employee can do better.
Instead, share in your regular one on ones with staff what they are doing well with and how they can do better throughout the year.
2. Be prepared. It is important that you are prepared to answer any questions you are asked during the performance review. Be ready to answer how the employee can do better next year and improve their rating.
3. Be honest. Be caring, but be honest. Most of us, and I include myself, want to “sugar coat” the difficult feedback. How can we expect others to improve their performance if we aren’t direct and completely honest in our feedback?
4. Follow up. Often times leaders fail here the most. Following up means that throughout the year you are checking-in, coaching, providing developmental opportunities and providing feedback. Regular one on ones are the perfect time to do this.
Question: What tips do you have for improving annual employee performance reviews?
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