A couple of weeks ago I posted one of my most popular and read blog postings ever titled, “How Not to Use PowerPoint – Very Funny Video You Can Share.” To date we have had 1,593 shares on Facebook alone. I guess PowerPoint is still a sore spot with some.
Today I thought you might enjoy a follow-up to that. One of our readers recently sent this to me (I forgot who it was, so if you are out there please let me know so I can give you credit), and it is very funny.
This spoof on PowerPoint is put into a song. You will want to share this, it is a lot of fun and spot on in regards to annoyances and the way some people use this popular presentation technology.
I wrote a post several years ago titled “8 Important tips to help you waste time in meetings – Make bad meetings worse!” I am toying with the idea of writing another post titled “8 Important tips to help put everyone to sleep in a meeting, training or presentation.” I might start with the classic tip, “Put everything you are going to say on one slide. And make sure you tell the audience they won’t be able to see it from the back of the room, or the front for that matter!”
Question: What great tips do you have that are sure to put everyone to sleep? You can answer by commenting below.
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