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begins at home

Father: There’s No Leadership Calling Like It! – Super Inspiring Video post image

Wouldn’t you agree that there isn’t any other leadership position in the whole world better or more important than being a parent? All leaders have their challenges, but when the day is done, the challenges we have in our own homes are the most important challenges we have. They require our undivided attention, and our […] Read more

Leadership Lessons – What Matters Most – Family

I have been reflecting a lot this week on what matter’s most. I am probably not unlike you in many ways in doing that from time to time. I have been the recipient of many leadership lessons – primarily in my own home. Of all the lessons on leadership I have learned, prioritizing my life to […] Read more

Leadership begins at home – workplace accountabililty

One of the key ingredients to being a great leader is Accountability. So many talk about it, but few walk that walk, especially out of eyesight or ear shot of their workplace.