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The Greatest Leaders Refrain From Saying These Things

Leaders say a lot of stuff.  Good leaders carefully avoid saying any of the ten below. Which of the 10 are you guilty of, if any? “I think…” Great Leaders have to sound confident. “I believe” is a much better choice of words than “I think.” I believe sounds convincing, I think sounds weak. “I’ll […] Read more

Leaders Care Video

I am happy to share with you a video based on a very personal and true story of two of my children that taught me a great deal about the most important factor in leadership – caring.

Great Leaders Nurture

Sometimes people just need someone to listen to them. Other times they just need a little understanding and a sensitive act of service. I love this video and wanted to share it. I believe it can transform the way you look at things as a leader. It has already had a large impact on my thinking.

Great Courage and Leadership Movie

One area of great interest to me is courage and leadership. It is not easy for leaders to have courage in the face of adversity. Whether I agree with the leader’s philosophy or not, I have always had great respect and admiration for those leaders who have moved a company, nation, team or even a family in the direction they believed was right. Amidst the doubters, traitors, critics and unbelievers, these leaders move forward with great conviction and integrity.