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Youth Leading – Very Inspirational Video

I come across a lot of inspirational and motivational videos. Here is one of the most inspirational videos I have ever seen. The story will touch you. Perhaps it is a story you might want to share with your children, as I have.

Kids and Leadership Video Kids Define Leaders

The following is an inspirational video of kids and their thoughts on leadership. I think you will agree that they already get it.

Children Leading, Leadership Videos, Kids Leadership, Leadership Stories

There is so much good in the world! Fortunately with advances in technology we don’t have to go too far to find it. I found the following two videos recently. They are great examples of children leading in multiple ways.

Brothers Stick Together – Children Leading

I had watched the video below some time back and was always hoping I would find it some day. Well, I found it! It is touching and powerful and a great example of children leading. Who is the leader in this video? You might think it is the older brother. Watch more of the video and the answer will become clearer. Please let us know what you think by commenting below.