I come across a lot of inspirational and motivational videos. Here is one of the most inspirational videos I have ever seen. The story will touch you. Perhaps it is a story you might want to share with your children and others, as I have.
It is the story of a popular football player by the name of Carson Jones and his teammates who make a big difference in the life of a girl not so popular by the name of Chy Johnson.
This video demonstrates the powerful impact one person can have on another life. It is leadership in its purest and simplest form.
Who has had an impact in your life? What impact are you making on others lives? I recommend asking these questions every day. One question results in feelings of gratitude. The other gives us a chance to evaluate if we are truly making a difference.
We have an opportunity to make a difference every day regardless of our position in life. It may be as simple as a kind word and smile, or as elaborate as taking someone under our wing. The important thing is that we are thinking about this question and then acting. That’s what great leaders do.
Enjoy this inspirational video. And please, as always, let me know what you think? Thanks friends!
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