A giving heart is the best kind of heart. Leaders are servants first. They understand that others needs are more important than their own.
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. ~Charles Dickens
Many of these leaders are what I call “quiet leaders.” They don’t necessarily command massive armies, rule over large countries or head up large organizations. And many lack the gifts and talents to even lead a large organizations. But one thing they all have in common is a pure heart. Anyone can be this type of leader.
The quiet leaders reward is not the praise and accolades of the world; most of the world doesn’t even know they exist. They are mostly simple, but filled with love for others. Through that love they give more than they receive and their influence is greatly felt by those who they care about.
Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. ~Ben Carson
In a world filled with a variety of selfish pursuits for the spotlight and for fame, it is refreshing to watch something like the video below. And while the story may be fictional, people like this do exist – you probably know a few yourself.
I am grateful for men and women who are the quiet leader type. They don’t expect anything, but desire everything for those they serve. Their influence for good is felt in every corner of our globe. I hope each of us will take the time to celebrate such leaders and do something kind in return.
What’s the key to being a happy leader? I think you will agree it is found in the video below.
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