Author and columnist Dave Barry once said, “If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.’” While this is funny, I don’t necessarily agree. I would add that not all meetings have contributed to the […] Read more
effective meetings

Three meeting management tips for any and all meeting participants. I would bet that very few of you reading this blog don’t complain about meetings from time to time, right? However meeting participants are responsible for the success of meetings as well. Meeting management is as much about the meeting participants as it is about […] Read more

Since most of us need time to waste, I thought it would be beneficial to my blogging audience to provide eight tips you must, must, must incorporate into your meetings. They are legend in most meetings and will help you waste as much time as possible, I guarantee it!
Back in February I wrote a very popular post titled “8 Important tips to help you waste time in meetings.” I now have a 9th and a 10th tip to help you waste even more time. As I continue to observe these types of great time wasting tips, I will post them.