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Thankfulness, gratitude, leadership principle, easy for leaders to practice

Appreciation is a leadership principle so basic, yet unfortunately so often neglected. It’s simply about having a heart of thankfulness. Those leaders who have a heart of gratitude will also have the heart of those they lead. People are inspired, feel more valued, and are more positive by gratitude. A study done by Glassdoor, an […] Read more

Thank You Leader Story

Story for Leaders A thankful heart is a happy heart. Leaders who show gratitude have happier followers and are happier themselves. I love the following old story that has strong applications to leadership. There was once a waiter who asked a customer how he had enjoyed the meal. The guest replied that everything was fine, but […] Read more

Brand New Quick and Effective Team Building Activities for Gratitude post image

I love simple team building activities. Some of my most popular have included this Surprising Valuable Team Activity For Increasing Teamwork (733 Facebook shares to date), A Quick Way to Help Those You Lead Feel Good (Team or Family) and My Favorite Team Builder – Perfect for Team Cohesion. Check them out. Each of them have […] Read more

Importance of Appreciation and Gratitude

One evening I heard a commercial on TV advertising “Wolf Brand Chili.” The commercial went something like, “Neighbor, how long has it been since you had a big, thick, steaming bowl of Wolf Brand Chili? Well, that’s too long!”