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The Simple Leadership Principle of Gratitude

Thankfulness, gratitude, leadership principle, easy for leaders to practice

Appreciation is a leadership principle so basic, yet unfortunately so often neglected. It’s simply about having a heart of thankfulness. Those leaders who have a heart of gratitude will also have the heart of those they lead.

People are inspired, feel more valued, and are more positive by gratitude. A study done by Glassdoor, an online career site, found that 81% of employees said they are inspired to work harder when their boss shows appreciation. Compare that to 38% who said they work harder when their boss is demanding and only 37% work harder when they fear losing a job.

Warren Buffet, the highly successful billionaire investor and business leader, once wisely said that if you praised and appreciated people for the little things, they would give you bigger things to praise and appreciate later on.

Great Leaders know the value of “thank you” and regularly look for opportunities to say it.

Gratitude can be expressed formally with recognition. Or it can be expressed informally through a one-to-one personal statement or a note or a token of appreciation such as a small gift—which usually includes a personal statement or note. The key is to just do it however you choose to do it.

What do you choose to do for your team this year to show your appreciation? How can you make gratitude a habit? Check out my newest book – Do You Care to Lead? On bookshelves February 5th, 2020.

Are you looking for other posts to share this holiday season with your team or others. Here are several past posts you can use.

Brand New Quick and Effective Team Building Activities for Gratitude

Gratitude is a Choice Leaders Should Choose: Powerful Leadership Story

Be a Grateful Leader – Thank You and You’re Welcome Goes a Long Ways!