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jump to conclusions

Leader Story – Don’t Judge to Quickly – Leadership Story

Touching and Powerful Story for Leaders to Consider  Leaders should assume positive intent in most cases. Often times we create untrue as well as unfair stories in our head about others. Last week in a blog post titled, “As a Leader I Hate That I Do This – How About You?” I talked about how […] Read more

Funny leadership story – seek to understand first

I heard a story the other day that reminded me of the need for leaders and people in general to seek to understand first before getting involved. In my years of observing leaders I have seen many of them jump to conclusions and get involved in issues way too soon.

Important Leadership Implications – Don’t jump to conclusions – Be careful

Have you ever had one of those situations where things weren’t as they appeared? This funny video is the perfect demonstration of that! Think before you jump to conclusions next time. Better to assume positive intent as a leader until you know differently. Leaders who jump to conclusions behave in ways that are not healthy for their teams, just as the actions of the guy in this video led to things that are not healthy for relationships.