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Kind Leader – Leadership Tips

Being kind isn’t as difficult as you might think. And by practicing some of the suggestions below on a regular basis you can eventually make them habits.

Optimistic story for leaders.

The best leaders are optimistic leaders. Here is a great story for leaders that they can use. I came across a “Dear Abby” post a little while back that I thought you might enjoy. In response to a previous letter, this reader provides an optimistic way to look to the future.

Great leaders love those they lead

Here are three tips to help you love and care about those you lead. However, let me preface these tips by saying…

My Top Leadership Video 2010

As we end the year I thought it would be appropriate to post my top five leadership videos for 2010. Each of these has inspired me in some way to become not only a better leader, but a better person.

Okay, this is just plain cute. However, there are some implications for all of us who are leaders. How many of us could look ourselves in the mirror and say nothing but positive things for one minute?