Some of the first job interviews ever on video! If you have done job interviews you will appreciate this video.
Need a great job interview video? One of our readers shared this video with me not too long ago. Here are some of the first job interviews ever in the history of man… sort of. This is a great job interview video to share if want a laugh, are doing training on hiring, or both.
What kinds of practices do you put in place when hiring? If you hire well, it will be easier to manage. If you hire poor, it will be more difficult to manage. As the saying goes – hire tough, manager easy; hire easy, manage tough!
One very important skill of leaders that hire is asking good questions. Asking great interview questions is critical and takes time and effort. Are your interview questions per-historic?
Another best practice in hiring is to ensure candidates are interviewed by multiple people. If you are the only one asking the interview question and making the call, then you are likely to get more than one bad employee due to your lack of effective filtering. The more people interviewing and giving you feedback, the better!
Enjoy this job interview video and let me know what you think below. Thanks friends!
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