Several years ago I conducted an informal poll on LinkedIn. I asked primarily HR and leadership professionals one question, “What would you consider the number one or two things managers can do to help make their employees feel valued?
I received well over several hundred responses to this question and created a top 10 list from all of the responses I collected.
Each of these is significant in providing value to employees. If a leader could embody every one of them, they would truly be the ultimate leader.
I was very fortunate in my career to have such leaders. As a result I was fiercely loyal to them. Of course, I had others who did very little or none of the below.
One particular leader I had embodied every one of the top 10 I have outlined below. To this day I still stay in contact with him, and he continues to mentor me. I always leave our conversations more positive and inspired. I hope this list will inspire you as it has me, to be a better leader.
1. Recognize employees.
2. Mentor and spend time developing employees.
3. Tell employees thank you.
4. Listen.
5. Provide opportunities for employees to positively contribute.
6. Communicate regularly.
7. Respect employee’s ideas and give them proper credit.
8. Help employees understand how what they do contributes to the overall organization.
9. Be a genuine leader.
10. Take an interest in employees individual goals.
Do you agree with what people have said and these top 10? Would you prioritize them differently? Please comment below. I would love to hear what you think.
Here are some other popular posts on helping employees and those you lead feel valued:
Feeling Valued and Employee Recognition – Important Tip and Tool
You Have Value! Fantastic and Powerful Story to Share
How do you motivate employees? It isn’t with money!
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