So what is leadership? I have always been fascinated around what makes an effective leader. There have been many great ones through the centuries.
They show passion, creativity and most importantly courage; courage to be different. They have the courage to go a different direction when everyone is screaming in their ear to do the safe thing. I came across this video the other day. It is an old Apple commercial. It is inspiring.
What is leadership in your opinion?
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Thanks friends!
Mike Rogers
Founder and owner of Teamwork and Leadership
Mike has led, trained and consulted in business with hundreds of
individuals and teams on leadership and team concepts. He has served in a
number of entry level to senior level positions in both business and
volunteer work. His greatest satisfaction is seeing others succeed.
He is the proud father of eight children and one Grandchild and has
been married 25 years to the best part of his day! If you would like to
contact Mike you can do so at