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Are You a Humble Leader?

In my last post I wrote about caring leaders. Another important characteristic of a caring leader is humility. Are you a humble leader? 


Humble leaders care more about what is right, than being right. They care more about the best idea, than whether or not it is their idea. They put the team ahead of their own rewards and recognition. They are constantly searching for the right thing to do, even if it means admitting that their last decision wasn’t the right thing to do.


 Humble leaders know it isn’t all about them; it’s about the people they lead and their teams. At the moment he or she recognizes and applies this important principle, then that leader is on the way to becoming a fulfilled leader.


“The ratio of We's to I's is the best indicator of the development of a team.”  ~Lewis B. Ergen 

Are you a humble leader?

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Mike Rogers
Founder and owner of Teamwork and Leadership
MikerogersMike has led, trained and consulted in business with hundreds of
individuals and teams on leadership and team concepts. He has served in a
number of entry level to senior level positions in both business and
volunteer work. His greatest satisfaction is seeing others succeed.

He is the proud father of eight children and one Grandchild and has
been married 25 years to the best part of his day! If you would like to
contact Mike you can do so at

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