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Are you a “Dumbo” Leader? Important Tip for Caring Leaders.

Listen leaders. Important tip.

Okay, so has this every happened to you? Your responding to a question someone is asking  and as you do, the person’s body language and facial expressions tell you they don’t care? The question may have even been meaningful and personal such as “how is the new job?” Or maybe you were just laid off and they ask “how are you doing?”

Well, I have… many times. And my response is always the same. I say something like “so, yeah…” and then I get up and leave or make an excuse as to why I need to leave. Next time you can bet when that person asks a question he or she will get the shortest answer possible. Why? Because I don’t trust that they really care. When the question was initially asked I thought that person did, but the body language and facial expressions say it all.

Sometimes I wish there was some sort of “don’t care” detector in which a persons ears would grow like Pinocchio’s nose when they acted liked they care, but didn’t. Some people might walk around with some fairly large ears, but it would do one of two things: either people would start caring, or I would know whether I want to spend much time and be vulnerable with my answer.

Leaders have an important responsibility to genuinely listen to those they lead. Leaders who listen, care. Leaders who don’t are fake.

What do you think? Do you know of any leaders with ears the size of Dumbo? Please share. How does it make you feel? How do you deal with it?

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