Having an attitude of gratitude is a leadership gift. It can have a positive impact on those you lead. People are often more motivated, for example, by those who show gratitude. In one study bigger tips were given to servers who wrote "Thank you" on their checks. In another study, jewelry store customers who were called and thanked increased their purchases by 70% as opposed to a 0% increase by customers who were not called. Resource wikipedia.org.
If people will pull more out of their pockets as a token of appreciation, what will those you lead give to you if you show more appreciation as a leader? Here are three things you can do to help increase the attitude of gratitude as a leader.
1. Show gratitude, express gratitude.The more you show it, the more you will feel it. On ocassion, we get together as a family and tell each other one thing that makes us grateful for each person in the family. This exercise really helps us feel gratitude for each other, even the teenagers (wink).
2. Focus on the strengths and diversity of your team. It is easy to focus on the things that are negative about people. But if you will take the time to notice the unique contributions each person makes you will find yourself becoming more thankful.
3. Keep a gratitude journal. A powerful way to become more grateful is to reflect on what you are grateful for. A gratitude journal is a great way to do that. Simply take some time before you go to bed, for example, to write down what you were grateful for that day. You can also do this through meditating, prayer or conversing with someone. The important thing is to recognize what has happened to make you grateful.
Remember that the attitude of gratitude will make you a more effective leader. What are you grateful for? And what other ways do you help cultivate the attitude of gratitude in your life?
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Mike Rogers