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Leadership Development

Bad Training – Sleeping

There are two big problems that I see with most leadership training (not the type I do of course – wink). 1. Too much of what I call Spray and Pray. Too much talking and hoping that trainees will retain what they learned. Not enough interaction and application. 2. No accountability to applying what is learned after the training. People must be held accountable for applying what they learn to their jobs. No accountability equals little chance much will be applied.

Leaders, what do you see?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see what others see? Or do you only see what you want to see? Answer that question honestly. Most of us only want to see what we think we see. Why? Because it can sometimes be painful to truly see what others see.

Not too long ago my 12 year old son decided that he would go out and practice basketball a lot more. I watched him for a little while. He would shoot and he would dribble a little. There wasn’t much effort in what he was doing. He did whatever was comfortable, whatever he enjoyed the most. After awhile I went out and gave him a little coaching.

I have started doing something recently that has really helped me in my own leadership development. Many of us read lots of books and in my case, I read a lot of business books so I can keep up professionally. I wish I had a photographic memory, but I don’t.

Isn’t it obvious leaders?

Isn’t that how leadership development is for the most part? We spend a lot of time and money only to find that most of what we learn is the same stuff, it’s always been right there in front of us, we just never took the time to apply it? I mean let’s face it; most of this stuff is common sense, right?