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Leadership Fun

Dealing with employee issues

For those managers that are not, or maybe those that are – but would like to solve employee issues quickly – I suggest the following video from this funny Mad TV skit with Bob Newhart. If only it were so easy.

Leaders believe and convert

Great leaders believe, but one of the crowning achievements of leadership is to get others to believe. When people truly believe in something they accomplish amazing things. What are some of the things you have done to get others to believe?

Important Leadership Implications – Don’t jump to conclusions – Be careful

Have you ever had one of those situations where things weren’t as they appeared? This funny video is the perfect demonstration of that! Think before you jump to conclusions next time. Better to assume positive intent as a leader until you know differently. Leaders who jump to conclusions behave in ways that are not healthy for their teams, just as the actions of the guy in this video led to things that are not healthy for relationships.

Bad Training – Sleeping

There are two big problems that I see with most leadership training (not the type I do of course – wink). 1. Too much of what I call Spray and Pray. Too much talking and hoping that trainees will retain what they learned. Not enough interaction and application. 2. No accountability to applying what is learned after the training. People must be held accountable for applying what they learn to their jobs. No accountability equals little chance much will be applied.

First job interview ever

One of our readers shared this video with me not too long ago. Here are some of the first job interviews ever in the history of man…sort of. A great and fun job interview video for a Leader Lite Friday.