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Every Leader Has To See This! You’re Enough! Look…

Lonely leadership. Look in the mirror leader. You are enough.

Have you looked in your leadership mirror lately? What did you see? Are you looking in the right mirror? You are a better leader than you realize. Every day you are impacting, blessing and inspiring lives. Has anyone told you this lately?

Leadership is a lonely job. Whether you lead a business, a church, family or wherever, the truth is, people don’t tell you enough, that you are enough. The chances are you aren’t appreciated, liked, or recognized enough, but you are doing fine.

As a leader have you recently told others they are enough? Do you spend time looking for the good in others? Do you tell others about the good you find?

As leaders if we all spent more time lifting and inspiring instead of pulling and telling, we would find more loyal and happier followers.

Many of us wish we were more talented, smarter, or amazing. Producing greater results, had better focus or were a better communicator. However, you are enough. You are doing better than you think.

Enjoy this video, it is truly amazing, and I hope it will touch you as it has touched me. Please share with someone else and let them know they are enough.

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