Leadership and Courage – Lead with Courage!
Mark Twain once said: Let’s face it, being a leader is not easy. Some times it requires great courage in a very personal way.
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
~ CS Lewis
Examples of where leaders are tested on their courage in the workplace are plentiful. As a leader you might have to give an employee difficult feedback. Or maybe people are questioning your vision in times of difficulty. In each situation the leader has to be confident and courageous. I will be the first to admit it isn’t easy having been tested many times in my life as a leader.
Here are three things you can do now to ensure you have the courage necessary to lead.
1. Be true to your values. It is much easier to be courageous when you have something you are sticking to based on what you believe is the right thing to do. Whether you are making a difficult decision, giving tough feedback or leading your team through complex change; coming from a place of doing what is right will give you the leadership courage you need to succeed.
2. Don’t listen. Don’t listen to the negative comments of others or the negative thoughts in your own head. You control your thoughts and what you believe about who you are as a leader, so choose to believe in everything positive about you. Change every negative thought into a positive one and make it a habit for life. For a great example read “A Powerful Story that Could Change a Leader’s and Others Life…”
3. Care. As simple as it sounds, this is probably the single most important thing you can do as a leader to increase your ability to lead with courage. Leaders who care are more concerned about others than their own fears. Click on the following link of a video based on a true and touching story that demonstrates this – “The Best Leaders Care – Amazing Video Based on a True Story.”
How do you find the courage to lead? Please share your own stories by commenting below. Thank you.
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