Several weeks ago a singer, though not a serious one, by the name of Larry Platt was a contestant, though not a serious one, on American Idol. If you didn’t see Larry on American Idol his song is hilarious and catchy. I have included the clip below in case you didn’t see it or would like to see it again.
Larry sings a song he wrote titled “Pants on the Ground,” It got me thinking, when are leaders “looking like a fool with their pants on the ground?” Here are a few I came up with. Note: This would be a good time to play the clip if you haven’t seen it yet.
- When they don’t listen. Listening is about being interested in something or someone else besides you. Put down the blackberry. Make eye contact. Ask questions. Use proper body language and facial expressions.
- When they aren’t available. Leaders who don’t return phone calls or email, constantly shut their door, never schedule regular meetings with employees – can’t effectively lead.
- When they try to be like “one of the gang.” Leaders can’t be like the gang. They must never get involved in pity parties, criticism of other leaders or the organization, show favoritism or even grab drinks after work with the “gang.”
I have listed three, there are more. When do leaders look like fools with their pants on the ground? I am looking forward to your comments. Let’s see how long we can make this list. Have fun!
Mike Rogers
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