Stop Procrastination – 5 Tips to Overcoming Procrastination
Overcoming procrastination completely is impossible, hence the question mark in the title “Stop Procrastinating?” The reality is you can’t do everything you have to do, so you have to procrastinate on some things. Here are five things to help you stop procrastinating on what matters.
1. Procrastinate The Little Things. As stated earlier, we all procrastinate every day because we can’t get everything done. However prioritizing your tasks and understanding what the large things are and the small things are is key. Ask yourself three important questions when breaking out your tasks for the day: Why is this task on my list? If I don’t get this done what will happen? and What is the most important task I can be doing right now?
2. Create Firm Deadlines. Without deadlines, procrastination is almost certain. You won’t stop procrastinating though just because of a deadline alone, but you will be less likely to, especially if you use the other tips as outlined in this post. Deadlines provide something to aim at and help you stay focused.
3. Learn to say no! Much of the trouble we get ourselves into is our inability to say no. If what you are being asked to do is not of high value and not worth your time, then say no. Sounds simple right? Then how come most of us have a hard time saying it? Learning to say no will save you the time you need to work on the most important things that bring the greatest value.
4. Stay organized. Want to add to feeling overwhelmed and never stop procrastinating? Then simply make sure you never plan, let your in-box pile up and keep your desk as messy as possible. Basic organization skills can go a long way in helping you feel like you can tackle the big things and overcome procrastination. Take at least 15 minutes a day to plan for the coming day, clean clutter and as things arrive in your in-box or on your desk either file, act or toss.
5. Reward yourself. Every time you complete one of those important tasks that you didn’t procrastinate doing, then it is time to reward yourself. Rewards can be as simple as taking a walk around the building in the fresh air to taking someone you care about out to dinner. Rewarding yourself will reinforce the important behavior. It really works! Try it.
Overcoming procrastination is not easy, but it isn’t impossible either. Following the above five tips will go a long ways in helping you stop procrastination.What other tips have you found helpful in overcoming procrastination? Please comment below. Thanks!
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