Leaders Care Science shows that each of us have what are called mirror neurons in our brains that recognize when someone in our presence genuinely cares, supports and respects us. The same neurons recognizing care, support and respect, also recognize when someone acts like they care, but are clearly signalling boredom, disdain or contempt. So […] Read more
caring leadership video
I have always firmly believed that you can get a lot further with someone by being kind than being mean. We used to have a sign by our door that said, “Your name is always safe in our house.” But, easier said than done, right? It’s easy to be rude to members of your team […] Read more
We can get so caught up in the day to day things as leaders that we simply forget the most important things. Great leadership in business won’t mean much if your aren’t providing it at home as well. Balancing our time and demands as leaders is always going to be a challenge. Getting it right […] Read more
You will love this Leadership Video! Effective leadership is often seen through the lens of the business and in results, not the heart. And while a leader’s heart and subsequent influence can’t be adequately measured, it can be seen. Leaders who care create greater loyalty. People easily gravitate towards such leaders. And the more they […] Read more
This video may not be a typical leadership story, but its lesson is inspiring and can help leaders realize that simple things can mean so much to a person whether they are journeying to eternal life, or sojourning longer in this one.