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Kindness and Leadership Kind Leaders Leading

It doesn’t hurt… It doesn’t take much time… Actually it is quite simple… And it is always the right thing to do. What am I talking about? I am talking about being kind. Gayle Lasalle wrote a post several years ago on my blog titled, “Be a Grateful Leader—Thank You and You’re Welcome Goes a Long […] Read more

Inspiring Leadership Lead Video

You really never are too old to lead. This is a remarkable story of a 77 year old women who is inspiring and touching others through her example and leadership. Ernestine Shepherd is what leadership is all about. She has done something at her age that no one else is doing. She is inspiring others […] Read more

Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational people are the staple of great things. People’s lives are inspired by people. There isn’t one of us who has done great things that hasn’t been influenced by someone else great. As a leader are you having a positive influence on someone’s life? Leadership is about inspiring. Here are five things inspirational leaders have […] Read more

Leadership Development in 10 Minutes – Inspiring Leadership

Take 10 minutes to watch this video and it could change your life and make you a better leader in business, church, home or wherever you might lead. I can’t believe I never saw this before. Each of us has leadership development needs and we attend to those needs in a variety of different ways. […] Read more

One of our jobs as leaders is to inspire. Whether that is in our homes, volunteer work or business, our job is to inspire others to do greater things than they realize they are capable of doing or achieving. I love this video of Nick Vujicic, who was born without limbs, who is faced with challenges and obstacles every day. Nick is a leader. I hope this video will inspire you today, as it has me.