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kindness matters

frustrated teammate, angry member of team, rude teammates

I have always firmly believed that you can get a lot further with someone by being kind than being mean. We used to have a sign by our door that said, “Your name is always safe in our house.” But, easier said than done, right? It’s easy to be rude to members of your team […] Read more

Kindness and Leadership Kind Leaders Leading

It doesn’t hurt… It doesn’t take much time… Actually it is quite simple… And it is always the right thing to do. What am I talking about? I am talking about being kind. Gayle Lasalle wrote a post several years ago on my blog titled, “Be a Grateful Leader—Thank You and You’re Welcome Goes a Long […] Read more

Could This Change Our Lives Leaders?

What if we said every good kind thing that came to our minds? Think about that for a minute. Recently I came across an article on a news website where two girls decided to do just that. One of the girls tells the story, “The thought came after my best friend Stacy and I […] Read more

Kind Leader – Leadership Tips

Being kind isn’t as difficult as you might think. And by practicing some of the suggestions below on a regular basis you can eventually make them habits.