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Top Ten Ways to Help Your Employees Feel Valued

 Girlthumbs I recently conducted a somewhat informal poll on Linkedin among HR and leadership  professionals. I posed the question "What would you consider the number one or two things managers can do to help make their employees feel valued?" I received over 120 responses to this question. I have grouped the top ten answers below.


Do you agree with what people have said? Would you prioritize them differently? Please comment below. I want to hear what you think.


  1. Recognize employees.
  2. Mentor and spend time developing employees.
  3. Tell employees thank you.
  4. Listen.
  5. Provide opportunities for employees to positively contribute.
  6. Communicate regularly.
  7. Respect employee’s ideas and give them proper credit.
  8. Help employees understand how what they do contributes to the overall organization.
  9. Be a genuine leader.
  10. Take an interest in employees individual goals.

On July 23rd, I will present an important Webinar for those who lead teams, departments and organizations – “If All Bosses Could be Like David!” Come find out who David is and why his employees go home after work loving what they do. Why his employees are fiercely loyal to him. And why very few ever leave him. What are his secrets?


This Webinar is cost effective too. Price is per connection, not per person. So have as many join you on your team, in your department, or in your organization for one low price. You will also receive the recorded call if you or any of your colleagues can’t attend.


To register and find out more click here.


Mike Rogers