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Searching for the good in others.

You’ve seen them. You’ve been around them. You’ve probably had one of them. Heck, maybe you’ve been one; the leader that for some reason or another never finds the good in others. Instead of searching for the good in others they search for everything bad. Do they find it? You bet they do! Often times the leader doesn’t even realize that’s what he or she is doing.

Shape Employee Behavior – Positive Leader

Several months ago after returning from a week long and grueling business trip I came home to the following sticky note placed carefully square smack in the center of my monitor. I left it there for several months. Why? Because it made me feel great! Am I the best? Well, maybe not, but in his eyes I was. His note really made me want to be.

First job interview ever

One of our readers shared this video with me not too long ago. Here are some of the first job interviews ever in the history of man…sort of. A great and fun job interview video for a Leader Lite Friday.

Listen leaders. Important tip.

Some times I wish there was some sort of “don’t care” detector in which a persons ears would grow like Pinocchio’s nose when they acted liked they care, but didn’t. Some people might walk around with some fairly large ears, but it would do one of two things:

I am a child of god. What is your calling as a leader?

Great leaders have a calling; a purpose to what they do. A significant part of that calling is to help others become what they have been called to do. To see things they don’t see. My six year old son, who was four at the time of the below drawing, proudly came to us one afternoon displaying a self portrait titled…